Updated Guidelines for Our In-Person Worship

As you know, we have been holding two in-person Sunday morning worship services each week. Our first service is at 9:30 a.m. and our second service is at 11:00 a.m. In addition to these two in-person services, we live streamed our 9:30 a.m. worship service through Facebook Live and also have posted it to our GCC website so that those who are ill, high risk, or just not yet comfortable being with a group of other people can still be a part of GCC’s worship life.

Because we have no idea what late fall and winter will bring related to COVID-19 and the flu, the decision has been made to continue our present worship service schedule. We continue to ask everyone to please follow our present guidelines at each of our worship services. In case you have forgotten what our present guidelines involve, below is a reminder:

1. If you do not feel well, out of respect for others, PLEASE STAY HOME!

2. Six foot “Social Distancing” will be observed; families may sit together. Avoid any physical contact including but not limited to handshaking, high fives and hugs.

3. We will not be having Sunday School or Childcare.

4. There will be no “Coffee and Fellowship Time”.

5. If you are ill or high risk or live with someone who is, you are encouraged to stay home and worship via the Facebook Live. Everyone needs to make the best decision for you and your family as to whether or not to attend at this time and we all need to respect each other’s decisions.

6. We will have hand sanitizer readily available throughout the Ministry Center.

7. We will not be passing the offering plate during the service. Please drop your tithes and offerings in the offering plates on the stand as you come in to the Chapel.

8 During the worship service, the area of the Gathering Room is for people with masks ONLY

9. There will be no worship bulletins or use of hymnals.

10. You are encouraged to wear a mask in the worship service. (Masks will be available.) If you are more comfortable by wearing gloves, please feel free to wear gloves, also. They also are provided. 

Again, I understand that some of you may not feel comfortable to gather in groups of people to worship and that is understandable and okay. Please do what you feel comfortable doing.

If you have any questions at this time, please do not hesitate to send me an email or give me a call here at the Ministry Center. 

May God Bless You and Keep You Safe,

Reverend Dan