What to Expect

We are a community of people seeking to be authentic followers of Jesus.

We know visiting or finding a new church can be intimidating. Our goal is to make your visits with us comfortable and enjoyable. Here are a few things that may be helpful for your first visit to GCCC.

  • We have no dress code. Dress the way you are most comfortable.
  • We try to strike a balance between contemporary and traditional music.
  • We want to warmly greet all our visitors. Please don’t leave without saying hello!
  • We welcome children to our worship services.   We also offer a children’s church time with an adult-supervised child care area.
  • We are a caring and non-judgmental community, dedicated to supporting one another.
  • Our messages are biblical, practical and relevant.
  • We take special care in making folks with special needs welcome at all our services.
  • Coffee and refreshments are provided after most services.

GCCC is not a perfect church, but we are a “perfect place for imperfect people.” We would love to have you join us this Sunday at 10:00 am.